Results for "C"

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  Title Copies
Casting a fishing net for SUSHI data 
Case Study: Does Following Best Practices Increase LibGuides Usage? 
Year: 2022 
Crossing the boundaries through OER adoption: Considering open educational resources (OER) as boundary objects in higher education 
Cochrane Library 
Year: 2022 
Communities of Practice in the Academic Library: Strategies for Implementation (book review) 
Collection management in the cloud: a guide for using cloud computing technologies in libraries 
Volume: 34 
Year: 2022 
Citation Analysis and Medical Reference: PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus 
Volume: 24 
Year: 2022 
Creating Search Gizmos to Simplify Web Searching. 
Volume: 43 
Year: 2023 
Continuous Improvement With Ongoing Usability Testing 
Volume: 43 
Year: 2023