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  Title Copies
Databases for Researching Athletic Training Literature 
Year: 2022 
EDTECH: Trying Out New Technology and AI Tools 
Volume: 43 
Year: 2023 
Discovering the Past Through Newspapers: and 
Year: 2021 
Series: Online Searcher 
Evaluation and analysis of Data Management Plan tools: A parametric approach 
Volume: 58 
Year: 2021 
Evaluation of six news aggregator databases: a comparison for researchers and librarians 
Volume: 36 
Year: 2024 
A Comparison of Selected Bibliographic Database Search Retrieval for Agricultural Information 
Data visualization as a research support service in academic libraries: An investigation of world-class universities 
Year: 2021 
Same search, different results: algorithm bias in various Discovery Tools in library search 
Year: 2023 
A Sampling of Sleep Apps and Their Benefits 
Volume: 20 
Year: 2023 
Multicenter randomized comparative trial of Micromedex, Micromedex with Watson, or Google to answer drug information questions