
Series: The Journal of Academic Librarianship [ All ]

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  Title Copies
A long article about short videos: A content analysis of U.S. academic libraries' use of TikTok 
Year: 2022 
A perspective on Wikipedia: Approaches for educational use 
Volume: 46 
Year: 2020 
A Perspective on Wikipedia: Your Students Are Here, Why Aren't You? 
Volume: 45 
Year: 2019 
Adherence to systematic review standards: Impact of librarian involvement in Campbell Collaboration's education reviews 
Year: 2022 
Adoption of LibGuides as a reference service in academic libraries: Insights from Aga Khan University, Uganda 
Year: 2022 
Are predatory journals contaminating science? An analysis on the Cabells' Predatory Report 
Year: 2021 
Caveat emptor: Scan quality of Elsevier's digital backfile PDF collection 
Volume: 49 
Year: 2023 
Construction and analysis of the user satisfaction evaluation system for Baidu Scholar 
Year: 2021 
Content strategy in LibGuides: An exploratory study 
Year: 2021 
Data visualization as a research support service in academic libraries: An investigation of world-class universities 
Year: 2021