New Arrivals

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  Title Copies
Effect of a clinical evidence technology on patient skin disease outcomes in primary care: a cluster-randomized controlled trial 
Volume: 107 
Year: 2019 
Search results outliers among MEDLINE platforms 
Volume: 107 
Year: 2019 
Beall’s List and Cabell’s Blacklist: A Comparison of Two Lists of Predatory OA Journals 
Volume: 45 
Year: 2019 
Series: Serials Review 
SAGE Video 
Volume: 20 
Year: 2019 
Online Documentation Portals in Library Technical Services: Shedding Light on Local Practices and Procedures 
Volume: 45 
Year: 2019 
Series: Serials Review 
Journal/Author Name Estimator (JANE) 
Volume: 107 
Year: 2019 
Say You Want a Renovation: Using Instagram to Document a Library Renovation at Lehman College 
Volume: 25 
Year: 2019 
Volume: 107 
Year: 2019 
A Perspective on Wikipedia: Your Students Are Here, Why Aren't You? 
Volume: 45 
Year: 2019 
ASME Digital Collection 
Volume: 20 
Year: 2019