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  Title Copies
Databases for Researching Athletic Training Literature 
Year: 2022 
Remote Authentication: One Library’s Journey on Offering EZProxy and OpenAthens 
Year: 2022 
The Usability of CAB Abstracts on Three Platforms 
Year: 2018 
Testing Two Discovery Systems: A Usability Study Comparing Student Perceptions of EDS and Primo 
Year: 2022 
VOSviewer and Bibliometrix 
Volume: 110 
Year: 2022 
Tech Tools in Pandemic-Transformed Information Literacy Instruction: 
Volume: 41 
Year: 2022 
A Library Website Migration: 
Volume: 41 
Year: 2022 
Citation Analysis and Medical Reference: PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus 
Volume: 43 
Year: 2023 
Private Online Organizing 
Volume: 43 
Year: 2023