
Tag: 2021 [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Communication During a Crisis: Keeping Our Patrons Informed During the COVID-19 Pandemic 
Year: 2021 
Communications and Context: Strategies for Onboarding New E-Resources Librarians 
Year: 2021 
Construction and analysis of the user satisfaction evaluation system for Baidu Scholar 
Year: 2021 
Content strategy in LibGuides: An exploratory study 
Year: 2021 
COUNTER 5: Lessons Learned and New Insights Achieved 
Year: 2021 
Data visualization as a research support service in academic libraries: An investigation of world-class universities 
Year: 2021 
Design, development, and evaluation of an online tutorial for “systematic searching in PubMed and Scopus” based on GOT-SDT framework 
Year: 2021 
Developed DICOM standard schema with DSpace 
Year: 2021 
Developing a Minimalist Multilingual Full-text Digital Library Solution for Disconnected Remote Library Partners 
Year: 2021 
Development of a validated search filter for Ovid Embase for degenerative cervical myelopathy