Results for "U"

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  Title Copies
Unveiling the feed: Academic libraries' instagram unpacked 
Volume: 50 
Year: 2024 
Use and impact of ChatGPT on undergraduate engineering students: A case from the Philippines 
Year: 2024 
Using ILLiad Custom Searches to Develop and Refine Collections 
Year: 2024 
Using OCLC GreenGlass for Serials for a Serials Analysis and Weeding Project in an Academic Library: By Janice G. Schuster, Raymond A. Stein, and Sarah E. DeVito Thompson, Providence College 
Volume: 36 
Year: 2024 
Unsub in Real Life: Using Unsub as Part of Serials Decisions and Negotiations 
Year: 2022 
Using suma counting software to assess usage throughout an academic library renovation 
Unleashing latent data, linked data and library partnerships: EBSCO technology day, Manchester (UK) 
Volume: 40 
Year: 2023 
Unveiling the present status of open access repositories: a comparative analysis of India and China 
Volume: 44 
Year: 2023 
UNLOCKING Government Data: Resources for Reference and Research. 
Volume: 43 
Year: 2023 
Using a design-based research methodology to develop and study prompts integrated into GeoGebra to support mathematics learning of gifted students 
Volume: 28 
Year: 2023