Results for "H"

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  Title Copies
HIVinfo and ClinicalInfo 
Year: 2021 
HoloLens and VIVE Pro: Virtual Reality Headsets 
Volume: 107 
Year: 2019 
Hopeful visions, practical actions: cultural humility in library work 
Hopeful Visions, Practical Actions: Cultural Humility in Library Work: Sarah R. Kostelecky, Lori Townsend, and David A. Hurley, editors. (2023). Chicago: ALA, 236 pages, $50.95, softcover, ISBN: 978-0-8389-3830-0. 
Volume: 24 
Year: 2024 
How (and Why) the University of Michigan Built Its Own Closed Generative AI Tools 
Year: 2024 
Series: EDUCAUSE Review 
How COVID Affected our Python Class at the Worcester Public Library 
Year: 2021 
How is open access accused of being predatory? The impact of Beall's lists of predatory journals on academic publishing 
Year: 2021 
How Much Do Print Backfiles Matter? 
Volume: 45 
Year: 2019 
Series: Serials Review 
How the OA Switchboard Is Building the Infrastructure for an OA-Driven Scholarly Communications Landscape 
Year: 2021 
Series: Serials Review 
How to Deploy a Discord Server for Teen Outreach. 
Volume: 43 
Year: 2023