New Arrivals

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  Title Copies
LibGuides as Outreach: Creating Research Guides About and For Diverse Communities 
Volume: 11 
Year: 2023 
Readers in a revolution: bibliographical change in the nineteenth century: by David McKitterick, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2022, 446pp., $84.80 (hard cover), ISBN 978-1-0092-0084-4 
The book at war: libraries and readers in an age of conflict: by Andrew Pettegree, London, Profile Books, 2023, 480 pp., $55 (hard cover), ISBN 978-1-80081-493-6 
Global status of dataset repositories at a glance: study based on OpenDOAR 
Volume: 40 
Year: 2024 
Volume: 44 
Year: 2024 
Using Libib for Managing a Small, Distributed School Library. 
Volume: 44 
Year: 2024 
A Review of Academic Writer 
Year: 2024 
AI in action: boost your information skills training promotion with ChatGPT integration 
Volume: 20 
Year: 2024 
Tip #51: MeSH Major Topics across PubMed and Ovid, with a bonus glimpse of changes to NLM indexing practices 
Year: 2024 
Text Mining of Twitter data for Mapping the Digital Humanities Research Trends 
Volume: 43 
Year: 2023