
Series: Journal of the Medical Library Association [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Automated indexing using NLM's Medical Text Indexer (MTI) compared to human indexing in Medline: a pilot study 
Volume: 111 
Year: 2023 
The National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC) 
Volume: 110 
Year: 2022 
Where to Publish: helping health sciences professionals find journals for publication quickly and safely 
Partnership development of the COVID-19 Front Door: a best evidence resource 
Adverse drug reactions in drug information databases: does presentation affect interpretation? 
Volume: 108 
Year: 2020 
Bibliometric mapping for current and potential collaboration detection 
Volume: 107 
Year: 2019 
Meeting a need: development and validation of PubMed search filters for immigrant populations 
Volume: 112 
Year: 2024 
Volume: 107 
Year: 2019 
Retracted publications in pharmacy systematic reviews 
Volume: 110 
Year: 2022