
Series: Journal of the Medical Library Association [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Straight to the point: evaluation of a Point of Care Information (POCI) resource in answering disease-related questions 
Volume: 112 
Year: 2024 
Sidecar Learning: a new e-learning platform for librarians 
Volume: 108 
Year: 2020 
The accuracy and completeness of drug information in Google snippet blocks 
Volume: 107 
Year: 2019 
Evaluation of adverse drug reaction formatting in drug information databases 
Volume: 108 
Year: 2020 
Automated indexing using NLM's Medical Text Indexer (MTI) compared to human indexing in Medline: a pilot study 
Volume: 111 
Year: 2023 
World Health Organization’s Early AI-supported Response with Social Listening Platform 
Journal/Author Name Estimator (JANE) 
Volume: 107 
Year: 2019 
Photography in the Great War: The Ethics of Emerging Medical Collections from the Great War 
Volume: 112 
Year: 2024 
Bring the past to the future: adapting stereoscope images for use in the Oculus Go 
Volume: 108 
Year: 2020