
Series: Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Readers in a revolution: bibliographical change in the nineteenth century: by David McKitterick, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2022, 446pp., $84.80 (hard cover), ISBN 978-1-0092-0084-4 
Reference and information services: an introduction, 5th edition: by Kay Ann Cassell and Uma Hiremath, London, Facet Publishing, 2023, 522pp., $112.75 (soft cover), ISBN 978-1-78330-632-9 
Representation of Libraries in Artificial Intelligence Regulations and Implications for Ethics and Practice 
Research data management and data literacies 
Scholarly communication librarianship and open knowledge 
Selecting and implementing technologies in libraries: a primer 
Serving patrons with disabilities: perspectives and insights from people with disabilities 
Supporting people to live well with dementia: a guide for library services 
Teaching critical reading skills: strategies for academic librarians (2-volume set) 
Technology, change and the academic library: case studies, trends and reflections