
Tag: 2021 [ All ]

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  Title Copies
A Review of MedOne Radiology 
Year: 2021 
A Review of MedOne Neurosurgery 
Year: 2021 
A Review of Aquifer Internal Medicine 
Year: 2021 
A Review of AccessPediatrics 
Year: 2021 
A Multi-institutional Model for Advancing Open Access Journals and Reclaiming Control of the Scholarly Record 
Year: 2021 
A Method for a Literature Search on Microbiota and Obesity for PhD Biomedical Research Using the Web of Science (WoS) and the Tree of Science (ToS) 
A Librarian’s Perspective on Sci-Hub’s Impact on Users and the Library 
Year: 2021 
A Journey of Transforming to an Online Government Documents Collection 
Year: 2021 
Series: Serials Review 
A Conversation about LibGuides and SubjectsPlus 
Year: 2021 
A Controlled Vocabulary for an Electronic Resources Problem Reporting System: Creation, Implementation and Assessment