Computers in Libraries Report From CIL 2023: The Metaverse, Change, and the Future of Libraries: Adopting new technologies for libraries entails achieving a balance between enticing benefits and potential hazards

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I am fascinated by the future of libraries, and who isn't? Even in speculative fiction, future worlds typically include some kind of library, demonstrating how deeply the concept is rooted in our collective imagination. Although our predictions often miss the mark, forecasting trends and solutions fuels creative growth in the field. Shaping libraries to meet future needs is a big part of what drives decision making today. Therefore, I was eager to attend the Metaverse, Change & the Future for Libraries track on the last day of the Computers in Libraries (CIL) 2023 conference in Arlington, Va. The first CIL conference I attended 15 years ago included a session about the virtual world Second Life and its potential for libraries. At that time, Second Life was predicted to be used for such things as business meetings, online classes, and reference services. However, it turned out users primarily wanted to engage in the virtual world for entertainment or escapism. It didn't become enmeshed with daily life on a larger scale as many had anticipated. So, I was especially interested in attending the first session of the aforementioned track to see whether the metaverse, as currently envisioned, will be any different. 
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Biblio Notes
LaPierre, S. S. (2023b, June). Report From CIL 2023: The Metaverse, Change, and the Future of Libraries: Adopting new technologies for libraries entails achieving a balance between enticing benefits and potential hazards. Computers in Libraries, 43(5), 13+. Gale General OneFile.  
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