Results for "O"

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  Title Copies
OpenAthens and OpenRefine 
Volume: 30 
Year: 2022 
O’Reilly for Higher Education 
Volume: 24 
Year: 2023 
OpenAthens Implementation: A Two-Phased Move at Our Library 
Year: 2022 
Series: Serials Review 
OpenAthens and the Ironies of Automation: Have we made things harder by making them easier? 
Volume: 36 
Year: 2024 
Online Instruction: A Practical Guide for Librarians (book review) 
OSF Preprints 
Year: 2018 
Open source library systems: A guide 
Volume: 17 
Year: 2023 
Year: 2018 
Onward to Omeka: A Migration Tale 
Volume: 31 
Year: 2023