Results for "U"

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  Title Copies
Using a design-based research methodology to develop and study prompts integrated into GeoGebra to support mathematics learning of gifted students 
Volume: 28 
Year: 2023 
Using AI for social benefit – WeNet and community focused social media 
Year: 2023 
Using Context in Information Literacy Instruction: Beyond Basic Skills 
Volume: 23 
Year: 2023 
Using DSpace to create a repository for the communication of clinical trials and research with consumers 
Volume: 4 
Year: 2023 
Using to infer the gender of first names: how to improve the accuracy of the inference 
Using ILLiad Custom Searches to Develop and Refine Collections 
Year: 2024 
Using LibGuides to Chart the Way in a Sea of Information 
Using Libib for Managing a Small, Distributed School Library. 
Volume: 44 
Year: 2024 
Using license terms to streamline interlibrary loan and electronic resources communication 
Volume: 31 
Year: 2022 
Using Microsoft Teams to keep the E-resources department organized during a pandemic and beyond By Megan M. Ruenz, Wheaton College (IL)