Results for "V"

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  Title Copies
Virtual Technical Services: A Handbook (2022) by Mary Beth Weber and Melissa De Fino, Chicago, Rowman & Littlefield, 160 pp., ISBN: 978-1-5381-5263-8. 
Volume: 34 
Year: 2022 
Virtual Technical Services: A Handbook. 
Volume: 35 
Year: 2023 
Visual citation navigation of open education resources using Litmaps 
Year: 2022 
Visual Exploration of Literature Using Connected Papers: A Practical Approach 
Visualizing COUNTER Metrics with SUSHI: Exploring Alma Analytics for E-Resource Evaluation 
Year: 2022 
Series: Serials Review 
voices of the searchers: FOMO, GAI, LLM, RAG: So Many Acronyms! 
Volume: 44 
Year: 2024 
voices of the searchers: Have you Chatted with Your Documents Lately? 
Volume: 43 
Year: 2023 
voices of the searchers: Librarians as Prompt Engineers 
Volume: 44 
Year: 2024 
voices of the searchers: The Perils and Power of NOT in Prompting Chatbots 
Volume: 44 
Year: 2024 
Voices of the Searchers: Will We Be Replaced by Chatbots? 
Volume: 43 
Year: 2023