Results for "C"

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  Title Copies
Volume: 24 
Year: 2022 
Cement, Concrete and Research Literature Online Repositories (Portland Cement Association) 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Science Clips 
Volume: 43 
Year: 2024 
Challenges and opportunities in teaching and learning in AskALibrarian chat: differences across subject domains 
Volume: 52 
Year: 2024 
Challenges of Using Koha as a Library Management System among Libraries in Higher Education Institutions in Zambia 
Volume: 41 
Year: 2021 
Change What You Can, Teach What You Can’t: A Usability Study of Primo VE at an Academic Library 
Volume: 18 
Year: 2024 
Characteristics of Mendeley Readership for Earth and Planetary Science Articles 
Volume: 41 
Year: 2021 
Charting Consumer Health: Online Orthopedic Resources 
Year: 2022 
Chat Ref Analysis—Exploring and Analyzing Chat Reference Transcripts Specifically Relating to Acquisitions and Discovery 
Volume: 45 
Year: 2019 
Series: Serials Review 
Chat Transcripts in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Analysis of Chats from the AskAway Consortia 
Volume: 18 
Year: 2023